Cognitive product support

Paving way for Next-Gen Product Support!

The Framework

With 50% of the tasks that can potentially be automated, it is imperative that an intelligent route to be explored to maximize customer benefits with minimal human efforts.

We at HCL have built Cognitive Product Support framework that can be implemented across domains for rendering support in B2C and B2B environments with much more precision, consistency and predictability thereby elevating the customer experience! This framework is an outcome of the experience that we have acquired over the last 36 years in Engineering Support Services with over 300+ customers spread across 31 countries and over 10 industries! 

Key Elements of the solution

Poor customer support in US businesses lead to estimated loss of $83B

Customers who share their bad customer service experience - 59%

Customers ready to spend more for excellent customer experience 70%

Capitalizing on Customer Experience Score!

Customer experience is governed by the speed at which the support is offered with consistency and accuracy each time! Hence, our framework has this as the backdrop and committed to result in tangible benefits in customer satisfaction (CSAT) while lowering your total cost of ownership (TCO). We understand that for any product  company to achieve the above said, tight integration and synergies between the frontline (L0-L2) and the Engineering Support Teams should be the prime focus area. This can be achieved by moving away from manual tasks/knowledge lookups for servicing a request to learning from these manual and repetitive tasks and come up with the right automation framework that would enable the frontline support to handle the requests at their level freeing up the bandwidth at the higher levels for the high-value tasks needing their support and attention. As customers’ preference for interaction also has changed over a period of time from voice to text/messenger/SMS/self-service, we have baked Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering into our solution which has a self-building knowledge base and which makes the knowledge available to the frontline support team and to the customer directly without the need of the human intervention. 

Your product innovates and so should your support!

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